The Padua professor anticipated the Corriere della Sera the plan presented to the Government to limit the dissemination of COVID-19.
“In Italy Over the past two weeks, the number of people testing positive for the coronavirus has risen day by day to hit the threshold of 1,500 cases this week (click here for all data and maps). This resumption of viral transmission that affects the entire national territory seems to be fueled by predominant socialization behaviors mainly among young people (but not only) and by cases of imports. The virus spreads by exploiting people’s social behavior: the more people you meet, the more likely you are to get infected. “
To eliminate the risk of new widespread closures, the Padov Professora cites the example of Vo ‘Euganeo, Veneto municipality seriously affected in the first days of the emergency: here the key to success against Covid-19 was therunning carpet of swabs to the entire population, to identify the asymptomatic and neutralize the outbreaks of root transmission: “Identification of the asymptomatic it’s right there challenge before us to prevent cases from reaching the limit. Here I would like to remind you that on February 27 the virus had already infected 5% of the population in Vo ‘before creating symptomatic clinical cases. The systematic identification of asymptomatic people throughmassive but targeted use of tampons it was the key to the success of Veneto.
“Right now all regions together can reach the maximum capacity to perform about 90,000 swabs, a peak that is reached occasionally and that is not enough to cover the demand for tests that will arise. Therefore, it is this urgency that led me to present, at the invitation of some members of the government, a plan that leads to increase, up to quadruple on a national scale, the ability to cushion the overcoming of regional barriers and divisions that have generated an insane range of initiatives and technological adoptions that certainly generate confusion and in some cases are counterproductive ”.
In short, for the director of the Department of Molecular Medicine of the University of Padua the recipe is to make 400 thousand tampons a day on a national scale, a very important fact.
However, it remains to be seen whether it will be truly replicable nationwide …