Coronavirus Lazio, D’Amato: “In more than 11 thousand tampons today in Lazio are registered 154 cases of these 111 are in Rome and one death. A prevalence of return cases is confirmed and links from Sardinia continue. The expected RT value is 0.76. The Ministry and the National Institute of Health (ISS) indicate a good monitoring capacity.
Some 2,000 quick swabs have already been done in the long-stay drive-in at Fiumicino airport since it opened, identifying 16 positives. The activity of serological tests continues in schools, and nearly 17 thousand tests have been carried out.
In ASL Roma 1 there are 54 cases in the last 24 hours and of these thirty-seven return cases, twenty-five with links from Sardinia, three from Puglia, three from Trentino, two from Ukraine, one from Croatia, one from Greece, one from Spain and one from Campania. Five cases with links to familiar and isolated family groups and three contacts of already known and isolated cases. In ASL Roma 2 there are 49 cases in the last 24 hours and among these twenty-six cases of return, seventeen with links from Sardinia, four from Spain, one from Bangladesh and four from Peru. Twenty cases are already isolated.
In ASL Roma 3 there are 8 cases in the last 24 hours and among these four return cases, three with links from Sardinia and one from Romania. Two are contacts of already known and isolated cases. In ASL Roma 4 there are 9 cases in the last 24 hours and among these three cases with links from Sardinia, five are contacts of already known and isolated cases and one identified on the recommendation of the GP. In ASL Roma 5 there are 9 cases in the last 24 hours and there are four return cases, two with links from Sardinia and two from Campania. Three are contacts of already known and isolated cases. In ASL Roma 6 there are 9 cases in the last 24 hours and of these six are return cases, four with links from Sardinia, one from Puglia and one from Spain. Two are contacts of known and isolated positive cases.
In provinces there are 16 cases and zero deaths in the last 24 hours. In Latin ASL there are eight cases and of these two with links from Sardinia and one from Romania. Four cases with family ties to known isolated positive cases. In the Frosinone ASL there are six cases and of these one with links from Sardinia and two from Albania. In the ASL of Viterbo there is a case with links from Sardinia. In Rieti’s ASL there is a case with links from Sardinia.
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