Coronavirus, the update of infections in Palermo and Sicily on September 3, 2020


There are 54 new confirmed cases of coronavirus in Sicily: 1.55% of the 3,467 swabs processed in the last 24 hours gave a positive result. In the bulletin issued by the Ministry of Health, 28 recovered, although unfortunately there is a new death. A 74-year-old woman from Avola died at Maria Paternò Arezzo hospital in Ragusa and tested positive for Coronavirus. Admitted on Sunday, he was already in critical condition and passed away on the night of Tuesday to Wednesday.

Employee of a positive call center, a case also in Rap

Situation in hospitals: there are 5 more people hospitalized (from 76 yesterday to 81 today) and 12 patients in intensive care. The current positives are 1,252, of which 1,159 are in home isolation. In the provinces, however, 19 are the new positives in Palermo, 2 in Caltanissetta, 4 in Catania, 2 in Messina, 5 in Ragusa, 3 in Agrigento and 19 in Trapani.

Newsletter 3-2 September

The situation in the rest of Italy

Today 1,397 new cases (272,912 since the beginning of the emergency) and ten victims. 92,790 swabs were made in the last 24 hours in Italy. And the number of hospitalizations in intensive care has increased by 11: there are now 120. There are 68 new hospitalizations in Italy in the last 24 hours: the total is now 1,505. Yesterday 1,326 new cases were registered (with almost 103,000 smears performed), six deaths. Now let’s see all the data in detail.

Coronavirus, today’s newsletter Thursday, September 3, 2020

Currently positive: 28,915
Deaths: 35,507 (+10, + 0.03%)
Discharged / Cured: 208,490 (+289, + 0.14%)
Hospitalized: 1,625 (+79)
Intensive care patients: 120 (+11)
Buffers: 8,921,658 (+92,790)
Total cases: 272,912 (+1,397, + 0.51%)

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