Here the coronavirus vaccine will be launched from November 1.


Important news in the race for coronavirus vaccine in U.S, where the Center for Disease Control and Prevention has invited the governors of different states to prepare for distribution of the drug since November 01.

This news comes just hours after the United States’ decision not to participate in the global Vaccine Access Facility (Covax) program, the international group that aims to implement and disseminate the vaccine.

Coronavirus vaccine ready on November 1

In the letter sent by the director of the CDC Robert Redfield calls for the removal of obstacles to building permits for the structures of the McKesson Corp., a logistics company in the pharmaceutical sector, where the vaccine will be administered.

It is even urged to renounce all those rules that could prevent these clinics from being operational in any way for that date.

The document sent also reveals how all the necessary practices are being developed to ensure that a large-scale distribution of the Vaccine for COVID-19.

Despite the rapid turnaround time and the goal of administering hundreds of millions of doses in the US, the CDC assures that this plan will in no way compromise the safety and efficacy of the product.

A plan to win the election

The details of the date certainly do not escape this announcement. According to various US media, in fact, it would be no coincidence that the day designated for mass distribution of the vaccine is the sun 48 hours before November 3 where the 2020 U.S. presidential elections will take place.

Donald trump, at a disadvantage compared to Joe biden at the polls, a surprise card would be played in this way that could help him re-election to the White House for a second term.

Distribution before the end of clinical trials

L ‘FDA (Food and Drug Administration), the organization in charge of approving the same vaccine, has denied the alleged political pressure of the US president. In fact, agency leaders have reiterated that no drug will be distributed if it is not completely safe and effective.

As said in the last days in Financial timesHowever, it might be possible to authorize the vaccine to be released even before the final phase of clinical trials, if experts believe that the benefits outweigh the risks.
