“Positive and asymptomatic? A matter of statistics” – Libero Quotidiano


Silvio Berlusconi positive and asymptomatic coronavirus. A fact that raises many questions that have been answered Antonella Viola. The immunologist from the University of Padua, answering a question about the case of the leader of Forza Italia, during the broadcast of Agorà Estate on Rai 3, specified: “It is more likely to find asymptomatic children and young people. It is a matter of statistics. But it is possible that there are also asymptomatic older people ”.

He says he has Covid, but in my opinion ... Selvaggia Lucarelli, the provocation behind Berlusconi's positivity

In short, a way like any other to say that he is alone “a matter of statistics“and that the Cav went well. Then, the expert focuses on the mortality rate which is” 1 percent with a morbidity (frequency in the population, ed) around 5 percent and a significant percentage of asymptomatic “.
