The bike path in the Strait of Messina, the last genius of the Pd-M5 government, enrages Giorgia Meloni. The Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, Paola De Micheli, announced to Tg2 Post the establishment of another working group destined, this time, to find the best way to connect Sicily and Calabria for cars, trains and, precisely, bicycles.
“Other experts, other expenses, a new commission. For what? Reasoning on a bike path to connect the two banks of the Strait of Messina. Of course, at a time like this, who does not have priority to make two rides between Calabria and Sicily? ” in which hands is italy? PS But the track will also be approved for the benches on wheels? ”, Blurts out the leader of the Brothers of Italy who relaunches the lunar tweet with which De Micheli put pencil on paper what he said to Rai.
“We have made a reflection related to the improvement of the infrastructures in Sicily and Calabria. In a month the first batch of the Palermo-Messina-Catania high-speed train will be put out to tender. In addition to improving the infrastructures, we have decided to create an evaluation commission to identify the best tool to connect Sicily and Calabria. Three modalities are being studied: the bridge, the Archimedean bridge resting on the bottom and the tunnel. We need to carry out an economic and engineering study to identify the solution that should be the safest in an area of severe seismicity “, said the minister dem, to the Tg2 Post. It serves to understand” which is the best way to connect Sicily with Calabria. by rail, road and cycle lane. The work to come must be safe and financially sustainable “, remarked De Micheli on Twitter. Always insightful the” satyr ” Osho – @lefrasidiosho – who answers: “Otherwise, the Tibetan bridge?”.