Contagion in schools, here are the Veneto Region guidelines


Fever measurement with thermocanner From 0-6 years in the plexus, for everyone else the temperature will be taken at home, according to the “pact of co-responsibility” signed by the families with the schools. And again: if he presents symptoms of Covid, the student is isolated in an ad hoc room and subject to quick swab, in case of positivity, go to diagnostic search of all contacts.
These are some of the guidelines illustrated today, Wednesday, September 2, by the Veneto Health Councilor Manuela Lanzarote and diffused to the Usl of Veneto.

Two figures will be identified, an employee Sisp (Department of Security) and one of the school in each school complex, this last figure called to interact with the Sisp. In the event that a student shows symptoms compatible with the Corona Virus infection during the day, they will be transferred to a special isolated room.. Parents will be called and the pediatrician or GP will be alerted and then the quick swab, which gives results in ten minutes. If the test is negative, the normal course will be followed and the pediatrician or general practitioner will endeavor to complete the certificate of readmission to class after recovery.

If, on the contrary, the swab gives a positive result, all will be traced in the closest contacts of the infected person.. The class will not close automatically, but rather the diagnostic investigation of classmates and teachers will be carried out. Based on the results, the person designated by the Sisp will decide whether the class should be temporarily suspended or if, in the most serious and widespread cases of infection, the entire school should be closed.

“A situation therefore – underlined Lorenzin – very different from that of the activities of the summer camps, when the presence of an infected person led to the suspension of the entire center for precautionary reasons.” Regarding the use of quick swabs and not the molecular swab, the commissioner recalled that “tests carried out in Treviso by Professor Rigoli showed that they are perfectly superimposable“, thus alleviating the controversy over the use of the rapid test.

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Meanwhile today the Scientific Technical Committee has established that in the classroom only the use of the surgical template is allowed as “disposable” and not masks on canvas or other fabric.
