Less than 30 years old and asymptomatic. Here is the new identikit of the patient affected by Coronavirus. Those infected are on the rise, but the number of tampons on the island and in Italy is also growing: 5,627 and 102,959 respectively.
Therefore, more and more cases of Covid-19 are being searched and more are found. In Sicily, for example, Luigi Ansaloni writes in the Giornale di Sicilia on newsstands, more than 70% of the infections identified yesterday were detected by screening, or after examinations in totally asymptomatic people, who are now the vast majority, given that the average age has also dropped to 29 years.
As explained by the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, this is the current profile of the coronavirus patient in Italy: young and asymptomatic, but no less dangerous and above all less contagious.
But the government is working on the new Dpcm. In reality it will be an extension, which will arrive on September 7 and leaves, except for some small changes, its structure substantially unchanged.
Among the novelties of the new Dpcm, which will contain the three fundamental rules of the fight against Covid, mask, spacing and hygiene, Minister Speranza has announced the relevant the reunion of binational couples.
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