Manfredonia, September 3, 2020. At this time, there are 3 citizens residing in the geographic area of Manfredonia (excluding Borgo Mezzanone) positive results for the new coronavirus Covid_19, as a result of tests carried out by competent laboratories. It is learned from the collection of official data.
Manfredonia was “Covid-free” after the negativity reported, exclusively by Daily status, of a child who already tested positive after returning from a vacation abroad. Their relatives and close contacts were all negative.
Just a few hours and the news came about the positivity of a man (which would be hospitalized in Foggia hospital), and this morning also from two women (1 in symptomatic home isolation) and another always in positive and asymptomatic isolation.
Below are updates from StatoQuotidiano.it. Epidemiological investigations are being carried out on the positive cases found.
Edited by Giuseppe de Filippo – [email protected]