All 2020/21 Schools Educational Commitments, Summary Table


Training, information and education activities should be seen, specifically, by schools as a cultural investment and not only and not as a normative commitment. To target specific security, the collaboration and involvement of all the subjects of the institute are very important elements: it is essential to adopt a participatory policy to possess and process all the information, knowledge and problems related to security. Elements capable of becoming an object of communication between all staff and students.

He D.Lgs. 81/08 (art. 15)

Legislative Decree 81 of 2008 (article 15) evaluates data and construction as a “general measure of protection”, granting this obligation (sanctioned) equal dignity of the school director in terms of technical and organizational solutions. In addition, it is the most effective strategy to combat incorrect and dangerous behaviors, at the base of most injuries and accidents, especially in schools, in relation to the young age of the users. The school execution decree, to date still in draft, confirms its strategic role insofar as article 7 establishes: Information, education and training are effective prevention tools, fundamental elements for active participation on the part of each worker to the health and safety management system.

The school has the function of training future citizens and workers

Unlike other work environments, the school system has the function of training future citizens and workers. For this reason, the “physiological” presence of specialized skills in the field of training and dedicated logistical situations in the school is unmatched compared to other work contexts; at the same time, health and safety are now assimilated to essential issues in the concrete development of the educational process of students, and therefore of the institutional mandate and mission of the school. That is why in schools, including by this term all institutions of all types and levels, Legislative Decree 81/08 should be understood as an advantage for the creation of a safe work environment, but mainly as an opportunity for promotion. and the formation of a “culture of safety”, “culture” understood as conviction, autonomy, responsibility.

Information, education, training: definitions and requirements

Legislative Decree 81/08, in articles 36 and 37, clearly identifies the notification obligations of education and training, and gives various explanations to the three terms (art. 2). However, it is clear that the process of obtaining the appropriate skills to work safely cannot be simplified in single and separate moments, but rather represents the total of various educational actions ranging from professional training to information, from awareness raising to the formation.


Information: set of activities aimed at providing useful knowledge to identify, reduce and manage risks in the workplace.
Minimum requirements for correct information: must
● be precise, clear and related to the risk / problem
● be referred to the recipient
● be effective in communication terms (achieve the purpose)
● understand the procedures to verify the actual flow of information.


Training: educational process through which to transfer to workers and other subjects of the prevention and protection system useful knowledge and procedures for the acquisition of the necessary skills for the safe performance of their respective tasks and for the identification, reduction and management of risks.
Minimum requirements for adequate training: must
● start with a reflection on the recipient’s experience and experience and produce a personal comparison
● produce a questioning of the behavior of recipients or a personal awareness useful for change
● be designed by clearly defining the needs (the initial situation) and the objectives
● provide feedback (response) and evaluation controls
● foresee ways of recognizing recipients
● be able to give rise to new moments of information and training.


Training: set of activities aimed at helping workers learn the correct use of equipment, machines, plants, substances, devices, including personal protection and work procedures.
Minimum requirements for adequate training: must
● be related to training
● provide application controls.

Training basically as a classroom activity

The State-Regions Agreement of 12/21/11, which defines training as a substantially structured “one-off” face-to-face activity, managed by referenced subjects, helps to better define, by difference, the informative action according to art. 36 of Legislative Decree 81/08, which is spent more in daily life, is connected to contingent problems, has continuity characteristics, uses diversified tools (for example, interviews, bulletin board, signage, flyer). It responds to the need to communicate new provisions, for example, to provide information on the safety flow chart, on emergency procedures or to report accidents and injuries. However, for it to become a practice and involve all staff, channels and tools must be designed to facilitate and encode communication. 18.3 Recipients of the information

Specific training

Legislative Decree 81/08 provides for the specific training of a series of subjects who have a role in guaranteeing health and safety conditions in the workplace.
The recipients of the formative and informative interventions in the school are:
● the manager who intends to perform RSPP tasks directly
● Managers and Employees of the SPP
● managers and supervisors 258 Training needs Training according to the State-Regions Agreement 26.1.06 See also chap. 1.3 18 – Information management, education and training
● the worker safety representative
● workers in charge of firefighting and evacuation activities
● first aid workers
● all workers, including equivalent students.
Each of these figures is responsible for a particular training process, depending on the tasks and duties performed.
