The rising curve of July 7
As is known, most of the cases in recent weeks concern people with few or no symptoms, and therefore hospitals are not under pressure. To work are the prevention departments, that is, the services in the territory of the ASL. However, looking at the curve of the new weekly positivity, it can be seen that as of July 7 there has been a continuous increase in infections. Obviously, the situation is not the same in all the Regions, although the trend for almost all is increasing.

Only three regions in decline
Only Sicily, Veneto and the province of Bolzano experienced a decrease in the seven days, as can be seen in the data panel created by the Tuscany region based on the official numbers of Civil Protection. Considering only those with the highest absolute number of cases, one can observe + 65% in Lombardy, + 75% in Tuscany, even + 90% in Campania, + 55% in Emilia and + 54% in Piedmont. . This summer, the circulation is also linked to returns from vacations, abroad and in Italy. There has been controversy over Sardinia, which has responded with threatening allegations. In that region, there was an increase from 52 cases between August 12 and 18 to 352 and 386 in the following two weeks. The increase, net, therefore, dates back to fifteen days ago.

Tamponi towards a hundred thousand altitude
The increase in cases is also accompanied by an increase in tampons, another very evident fact. In the seven days until September 1, the tests amounted to 600 thousand, in the previous two weeks they had been 483 thousand and 325 thousand respectively. Overall, since the start of the epidemic, 350,000 exams have rarely been passed (in just one more case they have reached 400,000). This means that the week ending Tuesday was the record week, with a high gap, for swabs. On the other hand, an increase in exams is called for which, judging by the numbers, this time could really have started. The next few days will tell whether the Italian regions can earn even more than 100,000 per day.
Screening jobs
The percentage of positive cases compared to exams varies greatly from region to region. They range from 3.66% and 3.42% in Sardinia and Campania to 0.63% in Friuli. Lombardy and Tuscany are at 1.58%, Piedmont at 1.75%, Emilia at 1.38%. The national average is 1.5% and is higher than the previous weeks (1.35%, 1.05%, 0.85%, 0.55%). It is a sign that the increase in cases is not only linked to that of tampons, which are more effective. They are probably done in a more specific way, with the objective not only of screening but also of the risk contacts of the positive ones, which, as can be seen, are increasing.