Arnaldo Ferrari rice
As in the case of League of Salvini It is of great interest to analyze the evolution of voting preferences obtained by 5 star movement in recent years; in particular, focusing on the period of the great electoral feat of March 2018, 32.7% in the House, according to the current estimates given by the party around the fifteen%. Party Cricket began to speak seriously in 2013 after political elections, which they had not previously presented, when they obtained 109 deputies and 54 senators, becoming the first party of italy. The president of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano It did not give them the task of forming a government, however, since the center-left, which ran in coalition, obtained more in percentage terms. This is how it was then when the XVII Legislature saw them in opposition, very critical of the P.S to the executive and a little less bitter with the center-right, at that time full of its troubles (scandals, convictions, disputes). Despite a growing Italy and, in part, stable governments, the Democratic Party, thanks to internal, controversial fringes, distinguishing, if not real opposition, managed to give a terrible image of itself. This fact contributed to a great extent, so that the 5 Star Movement, which in the meantime became a protest party transversal to an alternative left party, could achieve this striking result in subsequent elections.
Populist explosion – The sign of Policies 2018 It was precisely the explosion, in terms of consensus, of the two populist parties, left and right, or 5 Estrellas and La Lega, which soon came to govern together in the Count me. Here, however, the parallels end with the end of the League and the fate of the Movement. Yes, because if that year of the greenish-yellow government led to doubling the support for Salvini, from 17.4% of the 2018 Policies for 34.3% of the European 2019, the 5-star party began a steady loss of actual and estimated consensus, leading to more than half the vote in two years. Already in the summer of 2018, the average of the published surveys indicated, for the M5S, a loss of 5-6 percentage points regarding the electoral result (~ 28%). Six months later, although with Di Maio very active in government, about 5 people were lost (~ 23%), to reach the European cabbage 2019 17.1%, that is, still -6. Not even the relay Di Maio / Crimi the Movement’s political leadership or having survived last year’s government crisis, which gave way to the alliance with the Democratic Party, seems to have stopped the bleeding. Today the party is estimated at around 15% and for many institutions it has been surpassed by Fdi of a Meloni in great shape. The Movement was the first two years ago and today it is only the fourth. Many different voters dropped out at different times. There are three different periods. As mentioned, a few months after the victory, the party began to lose votes. Part of the large left-wing component of the Movement had entered it as it was probably no longer represented by the traditional left-wing offerings of the Democratic Party and the more extreme parties, such as Power to the people the Leu. However, shortly after the first government actions of the Grillini, it tended to reposition itself with the parties of origin, to the extent of 44% to Pd and from 22% to the leftmost components. A third of the fugitives, on the other hand, chose the League, also a populist party, but which, unlike the Movement, had extensive political and government experience, and was immediately proving more concrete. Basically we are talking about men under 40 years of age, with lower-middle education, mostly residents of the Northwest.
Three medlars in sequence – The following year the abandonment was different, 100% of those who left the Movement, now voted for the League. They were not the same people as last year: many votes came from the South, many from women, the average age had risen, around 45-55 years, and religiosity was very high. Today, in 2020 it changes again. This time there is no longer any particular party to attract those who leave the 5 stars. Plus (52%) listening undecided, the others scatter from left to right. Again many votes come from the South, but not so many, the defectors are better divided geographically. The educational qualification is high: twice as many graduates compared to the national average (17%); by sex and age, the distribution is similar to the Italian one. In short, they are confused and a bit all over the place. Three medlars, in sequence. Those who follow boxing cannot fail to see in this action one of the most classic combinations of Noble Art. Directly to the left, the opponent closes the guard and at the same time a slight shift of the body to the right side. Pivot in the leg, half turn and right hook, the opponent still has his arms forward to cover from the previous blow and is hit. The movement allowed to load the left and the bodies are now close: vertical to the liver. The opponent freezes, stiffens, falls.