It was an AUGUST with more storms than usual, but the WORST is yet to come. That’s why »


Weather: it was an AUGUST with more storms than usual, but the WORST is yet to come. Here because

August with more storms than usual, but the worst is yet to comeAugust with more storms than usual, but the worst is yet to comeWhat just ended was a August Really Stormy, with more thunderstorms than usual. Bad weather erupted violently in various regions of Italy, causing much damage tofarming, especially to Center-North.
But the next few weeks could hold even worse surprises.
But let’s go in order and try to understand what happened and what may happen in the near future.

From a meteorological point of view, the last month of summer turned out to be very dynamic. There have been days characterized by great heat with maximum temperatures close to or even higher than 40 ° CThen suddenly, due to the infiltration of colder and more unstable air from the North Atlantic, the conditions were created for the development of very intense storm cells which led to violent phenomena that have particularly affected the areas Alpine, pre-alpine and the nearby valleys. And the damage was in some cases enormous.

To specify it is the Coldiretti, which, according to the latest elaborations, on data fromEuropean database on adverse weather conditions
(Eswd), reports that, in Italy, August was a month with more thunderstorms than usual during the day. Extreme phenomena like Floods with lightning, tornadoes, storms and hail have devastated many crops of vegetables, legumes and even corn and soybeans, essential for animal nutrition..
The same Coldiretti He also pointed out that many companies have lost entire years of work in a few moments, with damage also to structures and all plants:
“We are facing the obvious consequences of climate change also in Italy, where the exceptional nature of atmospheric events is now the norm, with a trend towards tropicalization manifesting with a higher frequency of violent events, seasonal delays, short rainfall and intense and the rapid transition from the sun to bad weather, with important changes in temperature capable of compromising crops in the field, loss of national agricultural production, damage to structures and infrastructures in the field ”.

But that’s not all, the worst may be yet to come. At least for a couple of reasons.
Let’s try to understand which ones.

During the month of September, from the point of view statisticalItaly has often been the protagonist of extreme events, between record heat and violent phenomena.
me factors that could come into play are many: we are advancing towards the transfer of the baton between one season and another and for this I
thermal contrasts are improved, with a collision of different air masses. In addition to this, the surface temperatures of the waters of the seas, even being very high, it could be configured as real time bomb ready to explode, causing strong temporary, with the risk (we experienced it at the end of August) of alluvial phenomena.

But it is not just the statistics that alarm us. Changing forecasts real international models (in particular the American GFS), he sees, within half a month, the possible arrival of a cyclonic vortex Northern Europe, which could cause severe and widespread bad weather.

In short, the conditions for a pejorative September in the face of the already tumultuous August are there, although, of course, it is not possible to go into details for now.
We, as usual, will update you step by step with our knowledge, trying to inform you in the best possible way about the meteorological evolution of the forecast.
