In Campania the eternal challenge between Vincenzo De Luca and Stefano Caldoro with the governor who begins with the favor of the forecasts. De Luca has been successful in the endeavor to bring together the entire center-left around him: the Democratic Party, the PSI, the Renzianos of Italia Viva, the Democratic Center, + Campania in Europe, Green Europe-DemoS. The historic former mayor of Salerno will also have the support of 8 civic lists: Lega per l’Italia-PRI, Liberaldemocrati and Moderati, Noi Campani (the list created by Clemente Mastella), Democrats and Progressives, De Luca Presidente, Campania Libera, Make the Democratic Party-People, Really Sustainable and Rights-Animalista, For the People and the Community.
De Luca, throughout the period of the confinement, has greatly increased his popularity with his invectives against Campania that did not respect the anti-Covid rules and the limitations imposed by the quarantine. But not only. There were also numerous hypercritical statements against the Lombardy Region and especially against the leader of the League, Matteo Salvini.
The Challengers by Vincenzo De Luca
Stefano caldoro, former minister of the third Berlusconi government and former president of the Campania Region from 2010 to 2015, is re-elected for the third time in a row with the support of the entire center-right: Forza Italia, Lega, FdI, Caldoro Presidente-UdC, Alliance di Centro, Southern Identity- Macroregión Sur The M5S, for its part, renames Valeria Ciarambino, outgoing regional councilor. The external candidates are: Giuliano Granato (Potere al Popolo), Giuseppe Cirillo (Party of good manners), Sergio Angrisano (Terzo Polo), Gabriele Nappi (Naturalism) and Luca Saltalamacchia (Earth).
Past results and current surveys
In 2015 De Luca won the Regionals obtaining 41% against 38.3% of the outgoing governor Caldoro and 17.5% of the grillina Ciarambino. In 2010, however, it was Caldoro who won with 54.3% compared to 43% for De Luca. Roberto Fico, current president of the Chamber, obtained 1.3%, the same percentage taken by the then secretary of the Communist Refoundation Paolo Ferrero. According to a Winpoll-Cise poll published by Sole24Ore, De Luca should obtain 58.6% of the votes in the Regionals from September 20 to 21, clearly highlighting Caldoro, still at 29%, while Ciarambino would take only 9.9%. . The Ipsos Institute, on the other hand, attributes 50.4% to De Luca, while Caldoro would obtain 29% and Ciarambino grillina only 15.8%. The other candidates are credited with values lower than 1%, with the exception of Giuliano Granata (Potere al Popolo) at 2.2%.