Festini Villa Inferno in Bologna, the girl “I was naive and vulnerable” – Chronicle


Bologna, September 3, 2020 – Marta (name invented to protect her identity, like an offended party) is on the beach, enjoying the last summer sun. And to separate the mind from the supposed horrors of Villa Inferno, the house of Pianoro (photo) where parties based on cocaine and sex, sometimes even with minors. As in his case: he was 17 years old. “But I turned 18 during the confinement,” he says. “They took advantage of me, from a difficult period in my life -he says-. I felt lonely after a bad trauma, I was insecure and confused. They told me that love me. To those who say that I loved him, I answer: I was naive and vulnerable, I let myself be enchanted by those who said that he would always be there for me ».


Since Marta’s accusations and her mother’s complaint, worried about the constant absences, even for weeks, of her daughter who later returned ”.completely done», The investigation (video) has been initiated that, following the investigations of the police officers at the Bologna station and coordinated by the deputy prosecutor Stefano Dambruoso, led to the execution of seven precautionary measures against so many men from ‘Bologna bene’, in disposition of the investigating judge Letizio Magliaro. One of them, the contractor who owns the so-called Villa Inferno, Davide Bacci, is in prison; two others, the cesena Fabrizio Cresi and the ultras boss of Virtus Luca cavazza, are under house arrest. Four other people were required to report to the judicial police; the charges are, for various reasons, of induction to child prostitution, store and (for Bacci and the PR suspect) production or broadcast of child pornography.

“After I found out about the arrests this morning in the newspapers (yesterday, ed), I decided to stay on the beach a bit longer, according to my parents. Wait for the waters to calm down and not go back to those moments ». From October 2019 until last March, Marta attended the ‘Villa Inferno’ tour, thus nicknamed by those who participated in the parties organized there. According to the allegations, she allegedly had sex with today’s suspects in exchange for money or cocaine. “No, there is no money,” specifies the girl. “No one has ever offered me money, quite the opposite: the detail of the 300 euros and the money for the manicure they made me almost laugh, I don’t know where it comes from. He wasn’t desperate, but he was just addicted to cocaine, yeah. And they gave it to me, but it was not exactly an exchange -he specifies-: after they hired him although they lost their minds. They scared me, I was amazed. That is why I have not always been able to say no.

She paid the price for breaking the vicious circle, she says, “She had become an addiction. When my mother found out, I had a panic attack: I had to be hospitalized for a week in Psychiatry. Then, thanks also to the valuable help of my parents, with whom I finally managed to trust myself and rebuild a good relationship, I went out. For months – he continues – I have not seen those men, who disgust me. I think many will hate me for reporting, but I think it was the right thing to do: now I want to live off Teen, finish high school and maybe go to study fashion in Milan. I want to find the life that this story has taken from me.
