
Midterm and final evaluation in primary: changes, but only in part. Note to the School Directors and Didactic Coordinators of didactic circles and institutions of the first cycle of the national educational system by the Head of Department Dr. Marco Bruschi.
Final assessment of the learning of primary school students
The decree-law of April 8, 2020, n. 22, converted, with modifications, by law June 6, 2020, n. 41, established that “by repealing article 2, paragraph 1, of the legislative decree April 13, 2017, n.62, of the 2020/2021 school year, the final assessment of student learning in primary school classes, for each of the study disciplines provided by the national guidelines for the curriculum is expressed through a descriptive judgment reported in the evaluation document and referred to different levels of learning, according to terms and methods defined by order of the Ministry of Education ”.
The evaluation criteria
There are those previously determined by the Faculty, as well as the specific evaluation of learning, which will then be asked to clarify and carry out the descriptive judgment, it will be expressed at the moment in the various forms that primary school teachers currently adopt.
The midterm evaluation remains in tenths
Currently, the law has nothing to do with the midterm evaluation, which we have briefly summarized in the “first quarter” to indicate the first period of didactic activity, the time frame of which is decided by the teaching staff.
the mid-term evaluation, therefore, remains regulated in accordance with article 2, paragraph 1, of Legislative Decree 62/2017 and, therefore, with a vote in tenths.
The Ministry writes “except for subsequent amendments that may occur in the legislative context, that the Department and the DGOSV will report immediately, in synergy with the working group.”
Nothing changes for IRC and alternative
Nothing changes, according to current legislation, regarding the synthetic valuation with respect to IRC and the alternative, as well as the behavior.
Read the note on learning assessment in primary school