Ravenna, September 2, 2020 – An infected child, the meeting at school with two teachers before he knew he had been in contact with positive things. And now the two professors are in quarantine. School is preparing to leave and is already boarding the first episode (not serious) of a fear that promises to be constant in this new year: the one with infections. What we reported took place in an institute in our province, where in recent days a student met with two teachers to prepare a work in which the young man is working.
Only a few days later, the boy learned that in his family c’was a positive person: He was quarantined, and after being swabbed he was found to be infected even if he was asymptomatic. At that time, in the last days, the two teachers were also quarantined– You must spend two weeks at home in solitary confinement for safety.
After all, the virus unfortunately has been circulating a lot lately in our territory, as the figures attest. Yesterday, in addition to the bulletin, the local authorities also provided an overview of the positivity in our province.
Of 1,437 infected at the beginning of the quarantine there are 1,055 people completely cured, including 13 in the last week. Up to 141 people tested positive for the swab in the past week, from August 24 to Monday. In total, there are 268 active cases at the moment, so more than half of the cases were infected last week. Fortunately, only 8 patients are hospitalized, while 260 are in home isolation. Most of these, 179, are asymptomatic, while another 81 have mild symptoms. There are 785 people in quarantine due to close contacts of positive cases or who have returned to Italy from abroad.
We come, therefore, to yesterday, when in the province of Ravenna 12 positivity was recorded. Among these we find 10 people who are contacts of already known cases: the infection occurred mainly in the family and the patients were already in fiduciary isolation. Then there is a person who tested positive after returning from Albania and another subjected to a swab after showing symptoms of the virus. In total, there are 4 men and 8 women, all in home isolation, and among these people with symptoms there are 5. Among the positives from yesterday we found 6 people residing in Ravenna, 2 in Faenza, 1 in Cervia, 2 in Alfonsine and 1 outside the province.
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