The point with Sergio Cicatelli (former “Dean” and professor of school legislation). The importance of teachers knowing school legislation
Certainly, school legislation is not in the main interests of teachers, who often see it, in many respects with good reason, as an inextricable forest of regulations in which only a few trade union colleagues can find their way. Rather, knowledge of the functioning of the school system should be part of a teacher’s professional skills, as well as knowledge of their teaching disciplines. In fact, the difference between a teacher and a graduate, both in the same subject, must consist precisely in the ability to contextualize their own knowledge in the school environment, not only from a didactic point of view.
The former director Sergio Cicatelli, professor of school legislation and author of the book “Introduction to school legislation for teachers” published by Scholé, highlights this understandable resistance of teachers to enter such unknown territory, even recently, also due to regulations related to Covid emergency, they have to deal even more with this legal, administrative and regulatory dimension of teaching.
In the video interview, prof. Sergio Cicatelli summarizes the reasons for knowing so many provisions, about the school in our Constitution, about “governance” in a pedagogical rather than legal sense for a teaching “didactic culture”.