Tuscany Regional Surveys 2020: Ceccardi (Lega) one point behind Giani (Pd)


The Tuscany, Together withEmilia romagna, which has always been considered a bastion of the left among the Italian regions. In fact, theUmbria which, however, saw the assertion of the League Tesei in the 2019 regional elections, as well as the Market, in which a change of majority is glimpsed for the first time, as we saw in the poll published in these pages last Tuesday (here the center-right, with Francesco Acquaroli, forward).

After the failed attempt to conquer Emilia-Romagna in the regional elections last January, the center-right tried again in Tuscany by nominating Susanna Ceccardi of the League opposing the center-left candidate Eugenio Giani, current president of the Tuscan regional council. After two elections clearly won by the center-left with Enrico Rossi (in 2010 with 59.7% of the votes and in 2015 with 48%), the situation today seems to be in strong balance: in fact, with an estimated participation of 55%, Giani beats Ceccardi by just over one point (42.6% against 41.5%). Following the pentastellata Irene Galletti stands at 9%. The top two candidates have substantially the same level of notoriety (Giani 58% and Ceccardi 59%) and satisfaction (35% to 31%).

As for the lists, the Democratic party is confirmed in first place with 29.5% of the voting guidelines, followed by League with 22.9%, Brothers from Italy with 14.1% and 5 star movement with 9.1%. All other lists rank below 5%. As a whole, the center-right lists amounted to 42.9% and prevail over the center-left ones, which reached 40.2%. The divided vote, therefore, benefits Giani, who gets 2.4 percentage points more than the coalition forces, unlike Ceccardi who gets 1.4 less than the lists that support him. It should be noted that the high appreciation for the work of the current administration, valued positively by two out of three Tuscans (62%), as well as the constant demand for continuity with respect to the work of the outgoing president Enrico Rossi (60%), does not translate significantly into a vote orientation in favor of the center left.

In some regions, the consensus for the administration in office is attributed more to the skills and virtues that the territory is capable of expressing and less to the political sphere in which it is expressed, as if anthropological aspects prevailed over voters’ evaluations. the politicians. , mitigating the possible income per position. All this, together with the progressive weakening of the sense of belonging to the historically prevailing political forces in the region, has allowed recent assertion of the center-right in six municipalities of the Tuscan capital (is about Arezzo, Grosseto, Pulp, Pisa me Pistoia, Siena) and the overtaking of the center-right over the center-left in the 2019 European elections. In short, a different vote than the past does not represent a token. Therefore, it is difficult to imagine the result of the consultation in Tuscany.

September 3, 2020 (change September 3, 2020 | 07:19)

