“The Lampedusa hotspot empties every day” – Libero Quotidiano


Giuseppe Conte appeared with half government at the top with the governor Nello musumeci and the mayor Salvatore martello. Two hours of intense debate on the emergence ofclandestine immigration were enough to find a kind of agreement: the prime minister promised that in days (Friday) it will be Lampedusa hotspot emptied with the sending of two ships to quarantine, while on the fiscal front he announced more aid to the island’s inhabitants: “The economic suffering, and not only, deserves a strong response from the State. We are aware of the difficulties you are going through – Conte said – and of the need to study together the most effective solutions to face these difficulties. But we also know that the phenomenon has always been complex and the slogans are not enough to face it ”.

The latter is clearly an offense to Musumeci, who for his part said that he was not satisfied with the top: “There are still differences of opinion with the government, which proposed some initiatives but outside a timetable, outside of precise deadlines. We have said that all access points must be emptied to comply with anti-Covid regulations. On the part of the government there is a will to empty the Lampedusa, they have even credited this intervention in the coming days ”. Will Conte at least keep this promise? We will know in a few hours, meanwhile the premier has also secured an important control of territorial waters: “The Tunisian government has just been formed and the conditions are now in place to intensify repatriation.”

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