schools, Medici order requests postponement and reopening until September 24. “Too many unsolved problems”


The order Gods Medici, in a press release signed by Alessandro Bonsignore (OMCeOGE), Francesco Alberti (OMCeOIM), Salvatore barbagallo (OMCeOSP) e Luca corti (OMCeOSV), asks postpone of ten days, Alabama 24th September after regional elections of the 20-21, the schools reopening.

Coronavirus, Liguria: medical order calls for postponement of school reopening

“Gives days – read in a press release – we discuss about synchronization me modality with which they can reopen he schools campus of vote. In Liguria, currently, it is expected, according to ministerial directive, a temporary reopening For him September 14, with back closure he September 18 by organize me electoral colleges. Yes on the one hand, yes understand the need of the families and of students of to be able to resume, as soon as possible, one almost normal life, the protection of the public health imposes Watch out me thoughtful reflection toward the opportunity, or not, of this short reopening.

Beyond a multiplication of the sanitization, where Liguria region was not oriented in any other way (In this regard, it should be recalled that in an increasing number of regions the reopening of schools is postponed until 24 September), find a whole series of solutions a operational problems that even today are far from resolved (think about improving public transport, ai detectors of temperature, to opportunity Gods tampons by and suspected cases, to campus where can they be expert, to administration of the quarantine of the families etc.) and for those who orders to have provided one point of view. Well with this in mind Ten more days can be crucial for a good organization of the school recovery in Liguria, in compliance with ‘publications’ imposed by the guidelines of the‘Higher Institute of Health. Also, in those 10 days those actual school lessons would be no more than 3 or 4.

“To such end – concludes the note – it is expected that soon the institutional figures to that in charge (Liguria Region, ANCI, Prefecture and Department of Studies) make a final decision. “
