Reopening of schools, record of vacant chairs in Rome and late GPS. Pantuso (Uil): it is a double emergency – Actualidad Escolar


The school restart after emergency shutdown It depends not only on the arrival of single-seater desks and new additional spaces: it depends a lot on the arrival on time of the teachers hired and appointed for a school year. Fixed-term hires could really skyrocket, possibly up to 250,000. And in fixed-term contracts, setbacks are feared due to the very tight deadlines with which the algorithms for provincial alternate rankings were created.

On these topics, The school technique interviewed Saverio Pantuso, Lazio Regional Secretary Uil Scuola.

Rome is one of the provinces where the number of seats to fill is one of the highest in Italy: how many seats are without holders?

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More than three thousand due to a lack of candidates both in the GaE and in the rankings of the 2015 competitions and the 2018 merit rankings.

How many have been assigned to participate in the position?

There is no precise figure: in the best case scenario, however, there are not 3,000 permanent appointments out of the roughly 7,500 foreseen by the quota assigned by the Ministry of Education.

So this year will be like 2019?

Worse still, after 4,500 retirements, including many ‘Quota 100’.

However, ‘speed calling’ was introduced precisely to overcome the problem. Will it serve to increase permanent hires?

No, for the reasons mentioned above.

In your opinion, what should be done?

Our proposals had to be taken into consideration: taking into account the current emergency, many teachers could be hired with more than three years of service and who guaranteed their role with responsibility. We tried to speak to all the majority political forces, but no one listened to our proposals, which would remain valid now.

Even in 2020, then, many unassigned permanent seats will further ‘inflate’ annual substitutes – how many are expected?

Only in Rome and its province there are three 5,000 and 6,000 positions to fill between the legal and de facto staff: a very high number.

What are the competition classes in Rome with the most vacancies?

Italian, History and Geography in high school. But also Mathematics and Science. Even in high school there are no candidates for Italian and history, but also for Latin and Greek. For these competition classes alone, there are over 1,000 openings in the city of Rona.

And what is the support situation?

Emergency, with an increase in the staff both in law and in fact and few specialized teachers

The new provincial rankings of substitutes arrive right on the wool thread: what do you think?

They will come? We are also waiting to know the results.

But, weren’t the rankings supposed to come out today, September 1?

It does not seem to me that this date will be respected: it must be taken into account that the school office is struggling with dozens of new additions to the position that have yet to be made due to the greater number of teacher resignations, the most of whom were already hired last year.

Again for the GPS, it seems that the telematics system is not respecting the required provinces and many teachers have been forced to give up because they are assigned hundreds of kilometers from home: can this be confirmed?

Given that there are many exemptions that have reached the school offices in recent days, it should be remembered that the telematic system cannot replace the function and role of the employee in summons operations. but all from the teacher or Ata staff. We have already seen what happened in 2015 with Law 107 regarding entry into the role, when the algorithm mistakenly removed thousands of teachers from home.

Could postponed appointment verification of declared titles and services with GPS create more relay races at appointments?

Sadly, there’s no question about it either: the real problem is that all the extra work in the schools will be unloaded once again.

In Lazio, how many additional so-called “Covid” staff positions are there and when will they be assigned?

A drop in the ocean: the numbers are 808 for kindergarten, 1,134 for elementary school, 677 for the average first grade. Then there are 2,216 school employees.

But will directors have to turn to Mad again this year?

They will definitely do it for sold out contest classes. And not only.

Do you think it will be time to cover all the chairs before September 14?

No, considering that all the allocation and usage procedures have not yet been released in other Regions, which prompts many teachers and staff from Ata de Lazio.

Does this mean that school leaders in many cases will be forced to leave with reduced weekly hours?

Without a doubt, the interim regime will continue at least until the chairs are filled.

What is the situation in Rome regarding the additional spaces requested by the directors?

The additional spaces constitute one more problem for staff management, also due to the need to assign units of school collaborators that are also essential for safety.

What will schools be like without classrooms and adjoining classrooms where they can teach?

It is expected that there will be no double shifts. School leaders are using all the spaces – labs, intermediate spaces, extra classrooms, and whatever they can.

What news do you have about single-seater benches? How many schools will have them before the face-to-face lessons start again?

They are delivering them, even if they haven’t started in Rome and Lazio yet

And about the transportation that students, teachers and staff will have to use to get to and from school, what do you expect?

For the first cycle school transport it seems confirmed that minibuses can be full on journeys of less than 15 minutes. While for the second grade the situation is very uncertain and problematic, especially for those who come from the metropolitan area.

In short, do you think that going back to study in the capital will be complicated or will everything turn out fine in the end?

The return will not be easy at all, the schools are taking measures to return safely but there are still too many unknowns.
