Philippe Daverio died: his debut, illness and art on television


Let’s think about yours witty and personable smile, let’s think about it with his bow tie, that air of an eternal big boy half italian, half frenchof course European polyglot and we remember what he taught, disclosed behind a television screen, behind a desk or walking in the museum. He had been ill for some time and left us tonight. Philippe Daverio, Alsatian of Mulhouse (1949), a city always disputed since the times of Habsburg and where he had studied rigorously as a child, he recalled, with his siblings, the fourth of six children of an Italian father (but his name was Napoleon) and an Alsatian mother.

Career and politics

His upbringing is a bit nineteenth-century, ending in Bocconi before graduation and the opening of yours art gallery in Milan. Offers exhibitions, opens an office in New York, becomes the outstanding disseminator of art and culture of the city the mayor Marco Formentini calls it in Giunta as councilor for culture (1993-1997). The extraordinary debut, with a playful installation in front of the Royal Palace. Since 1999 creator of television programs: Art’ on the Raitre, then Art.t therefore the very famous Passpartout, then followed by The capital. He becomes a contributor to numerous newspapers, deals with artistic initiatives related to Corriere della Sera and collaborator of Style magazine, becomes director of Art archive me reocente in palermo in 2016 for Chiara’s fame. They leave a long harvest of books to Rizzoli Starting since The imagined museum, a kind of breviary to make the ideal museum for each one. Even interprets piece theatrical and a part in The happy widow alla Scala directed by Pizzi; Scala of which he was director of the Lombardy region. He had also created the political movement Save italy born to oppose the landfill nearby Hadrian’s Villa.

Polemist and activist

Like all bright people with character was at the center of the controversy often resolved with a smile, which he generously and generously reserves for everyone, longtime friends and people who have recently met. Very busy with Brera’s friends in supporting the Milanese art gallery, this perhaps will try to equip yourself for a funeral home.

September 2, 2020 (change September 2, 2020 | 10:40 am)

