Coronavirus, the new coronavirus bulletin of the Ministry of Health of Today Tuesday September 1, 2020 The downward trend in the number of new cases of positivity to Sars-Cov-2 is confirmed after the jump registered in recent days. However, in the last 24 hours, even if Covid-19 new positivity diagnoses remain below the threshold of a thousand new cases (978), hospital admissions are increasing (+105). And unfortunately, critically ill patients in need of treatment are increasing intensive care (+13): there are 107 in total when just last July 29 the Ministry of Health reported only 38.
As reported on August 16 by the well-known biologist Enrico Bucci, the trend for intensive care showed an increase that exactly reflects the decline that had led to the lows of the end of July. “It returned us exactly 2 months to the values observed at the end of June,” the professor at Temple University in Philadelphia reports on Facebook.
“The ‘late response’ of intensive care has begun – writes the scientist – They are still small numbers, but the derivative of growth is increasing; we do not underestimate this signal” warns Bucci, who invites us to pay more attention and reduce the opportunities for infection that can affect people at higher risk.
As calculated by researchers from the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (here to the rescue of other virologists with a useful statistical panel, ed.) on average today each positive infects 3 other people and, although the doubling time for positives has been shortened to below 10 days, the number of patients requiring hospital care is growing rapidly. In fact, just look at the data that highlights the number of places occupied in intensive care, which has grown rapidly from the lows in mid-July to the present.
Image of the Covidstat video produced by the National Institute of Nuclear Physics
But who are the new patients? According to an elaboration of the Higher Institute of Health, the most serious cases are confirmed in the oldest age groups, starting from classes 50-59.
Data from the Epicenter observatory of the ISS
“All in all, we can say that the situation in Italy is holding up”, explains the virologist from the University of Milan. Fabrizio Pregliasco, which in Adnkronos Salute emphasizes the importance of tracking. “Swabs are on the rise and we must leverage our capacity as schools resume.”
“We have an undulating trend of new daily cases: today we are at 978 and therefore still below the psychological threshold of a thousand new cases of Covid-19 per day. A situation that shows us how we still do not see holiday-related disasters, and we hope they are not seen at all. It is essential to keep our guard up and intercept cases, to effectively combat the virus. “
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As to Back to school Pregliasco wishes to address the little ones: “I will not tire of saying that it is important to involve the little ones: the correct behavior on board the buses, starting with the use of the mask is essential for the spread of the virus. “