School, surgical masks for children. To the teachers the transparent ones. The indications of the Cts


A school for children, «le More expensive surgical, for their greater safety and because they are disposable ”. According to Adnkronos Salute, these are the new indications of the Scientific Technical Committee (CTS), which are being prepared at this time. For this reason, the ‘community masks’, recently the protagonists of a campaign promoted on social networks by WHO experts, have been rejected. For teachers comes the transparent mask.

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School, surgical masks for students. Teachers will have transparent

The technical name is’ lip reading mask, a device that allows teachers to read lips and facilitates understanding and dialogue even in the case of deaf students. The CTS has given the green light to this type of indispensable devices in institutions for deaf and dumb children. The project, unique in Italy, of transparent masks was presented to the team of the Commissioner for the Arcuri emergency by the company ‘Under Shield’ of Fontaniva (Padua), which developed it together with the Magarotto Institute for the deaf in Padua and Rome. .

«The CTS – informs Adnkronos Salute Paolo Pandin, founder of ‘Under Shield’ – requested that this type of masks have the Ce mark and we have adapted. Next week our clear masks will be approved as protective gear. So we are ready to go into production. ” The device will debut at the Magarotto Institute.

Pregliasco: at school yes to surgical masks but maximum caution

«Yes to surgical masks at school, with regular distribution in institutions, adequate replacement and free devices. A measure, which arises from the new indications that the Scientific Technical Committee is studying, which I consider correct and in the name of the utmost precaution. This was stated to Adnkronos Health by the virologist from the University of Milan Fabrizio Pregliasco, who underlined how “in recent months, studies on the anti-Covid efficacy of the different types of masks and visors available have multiplied. Well, surgical procedures are characterized by the utmost caution, also because they are disposable and do not present doubts related, for example, to disinfection and reuse ».

«I put myself in the shoes of school directors and principals, struggling with the functioning of their institutes. It is a delicate moment. However, it must be said – adds the virologist – that they are not faced with a time and pressure identical to what we, as medical directors, have had to face in full emergency. At this point we know the key measures to stop the virus, while for example, with the reopening, a surgical preparation for a coffee seemed almost necessary. Then it turned out that attention and common sense were enough. «In short, effective, clean and correctly fitted masks, social distancing and hand hygiene are and will be essential at school to reduce risks for students and teachers. These days – Pregliasco concludes – schools have to face a phase of adjustment that will lead to a new normal in the classroom. At least until there is a vaccine.

The safest mask for students? “The surgical, with all the requirements, as is already the case with air travel,” says Matteo Bassetti, director of the Infectious Diseases Clinic of the San Martino Hospital in Genoa and president of the Italian Society for Anti-infective Therapy (Sita), also considering the dissemination among boys of the most fashionable fabric face shields, which have now become a real accessory. “The surgical mask gives us greater uniformity in terms of clothing and adherence,” adds Bassetti. The Scientific Technical Committee (CTS) also seems to have been oriented towards this indication, that is, it is better for students to wear surgical masks in school.

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