Coronavirus today, September 2, covid newsletter. In Emilia Romagna 107 cases – Chronicle


Bologna, September 2, 2020 – A new leap forward which, however, also corresponds to the increase in tampons: they are 107 new infections in Emilia Romagna – announce the newsletter Coronavirus of the Region – of which 58 asymptomatic, 27 cases of return from abroad and 28 from other regions (yesterday, in total, there were 99). Average age of new patients is still low: 36 years. HE tampons done yesterday are 11,695 to which are added 1,883 serological tests. Fortunately, there are no deaths in our region. However, the number of hospitalized patients in intensive care (+1, now there are 10), but the number of hospitalized in the other rooms of Covid has decreased (-2), now 104

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At the Italian level, there are 1,326 new infections and there are also 6 victims. The regions most affected by the pandemic are the Lombardy (237 new cases), Veneto (163) and Lazio (130).

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The highest number of cases is registered in the provinces of Modena (28), Bologna (19) and Ravenna (15). In 58 new asymptomatic, 27 were identified through examinations and tests introduced by the Region, 26 thanks to contact tracing, 4 cases emerged from the tests pre admission and the epidemiological investigation of a case is not yet known.

Return cases

There are 27 new infections linked to returns from abroad, for which the Region has provided two nasopharyngeal swabs during fiduciary isolation if they arrive from Countries that do not belong to the Schengen area and a swab if you return from Greece, Spain, Croatia and Malta. The number of readmission cases from other regions is 28.

The contagion map

This is how the 107 new cases in Emilia Romagna are divided: 4,824 a Piacenza (+8, of which 3 symptomatic), 3,979 to Parma (+7, of which 3 symptomatic), 5,394 years Reggio emilia (+5, all symptomatic), 4,447 to Modena (+28, of which 10 symptomatic), 5,718 to Bologna (+19, of which 11 symptomatic), 506 cases a Imola (+5, of which 1 symptomatic), 1,233 to Ferrara (+2, no symptoms), 1,462 years Ravenna (+15, of which 7 symptomatic), 1,147 to Forlì (+8, of which 3 symptomatic), 982 to Cesena (+7, of which 5 symptomatic) and 2,436 to Rimini (+3, of which 1 symptomatic).

Modena with more cases

In the province of Modena, in 28 almost, 13 are returning from abroad (of which 5 from Albania, 3 from Romania, 4 from Ukraine, 1 from Spain), 5 return from Sardinia; 1 case was diagnosed after returning from holidays on the Romagna Riviera; 6 due to tracking of already known cases, of which 3 attributable to family outbreaks; 1 positive emerged thanks to the screening prior to admission; 2 cases were classified as sporadic.

Bologna 19 cases

In the province of Bologna, out of 19 new cases, 9 are returning from other regions (6 from Sardinia, 1 from Trentino Alto Adige, 1 from Abruzzo and 1 from Sicily), 1 from abroad (Spain), 1 from vacation on the Romagna Riviera, 2 are attributable to the already known outbreak of Cervia nightclub; 1 case was identified thanks to prehospital examinations and 5 were classified as sporadic.

Ravenna 15 cases

In the province of Ravenna, out of 15 new cases, 3 have returned from abroad (of which 1 from Albania, 1 from Moldova, 1 from Peru); 4 return from Sardinia; 8 were identified as contacts with known cases, of which 6 attributable to family outbreaks.

Active cases, that is, the number of real patients to date is 3,103 (42 more than those registered yesterday). People in isolation at home there are a total of 2,989 (+43 compared to yesterday), 95% of active cases. People as a whole heal There are 24,562 (+65 compared to yesterday): 26 “clinically cured”, that is, they became asymptomatic after presenting clinical manifestations associated with the infection, and 24,536 those declared completely cured because they were negative in two consecutive tests.

The number of new positives in Italy is increasing again. The number of newly infected is in fact 1,326, about 350 more than 978 yesterday. On the other hand, the number of victims decreased, 6 compared to 8 yesterday, for a total of 35,497 deaths. This is what emerges from the daily Bulletin of the Ministry of Health and Civil Protection. am 109 covid patients in intensive care, 2 more than yesterday, while 1,437 patients were hospitalized with symptoms, about 40 more than yesterday. There are now 26,271 patients in home isolation. The number of tampons carried out returns at 102,959 altitude, about 20 thousand more than yesterday. The regions most affected by the pandemic are the Lombardy (237 new cases), Veneto (163) and Lazio (130). Only Molise did not register cases in the last day.

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