Back to class, green light on the transparent teacher mask. There is ok from CTS


The transparent anti-Covid mask arrives at school. The technical name is ‘lip reading mask’, a device that allows teachers to read lips and facilitates understanding and dialogue even in the case of deaf students.

The Scientific Technical Committee (CTS) has given the green light, as Adnkronos has learned, to this type of indispensable device in institutions for deaf and dumb children.

The project, unique in Italy, of transparent masks was presented to the team of the Commissioner for the Arcuri emergency by the company ‘Under Shield’ of Fontaniva (Padua), which developed it together with the Magarotto Institute for the deaf in Padua and Rome. .

“It Cts – Paolo Pandin, founder of ‘Under Shield’ informs Adnkronos Salute – He requested that this type of masks have the Ce mark and we have adapted them. Next week our clear masks will be approved as protective gear. Therefore, we are ready to start production. “

The device will debut at the Magarotto Institute.

“We have received orders from Sweden, Spain, Hungary and Denmark – Pandin Reports – They are distributors of those countries interested in the product. Abroad they understood before that it can be fundamental for many people who are in serious difficulties ”.

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