Coronavirus: Pelosi in the hairdresser without a mask – Last minute


(ANSA) – WASHINGTON, SEPT 02 – The Speaker (dem) of the House Nancy Pelosi, third place in the state, was filmed as she went to the salon of a hairdresser without a mask, last Monday in San Francisco. The images were published by Fox. An embarrassing visit for the highest exponent of a party that recommends respecting anti-Covid measures, especially since hairdressers are closed by law in San Francisco.

Donald Trump’s reaction was immediate and he retweeted some comments, including that of his ‘War Room’, which publishes the images of the Speaker of the House warning Americans to wear a mask and those in which he enters the room to comb his hair. “If Nancy Pelosi can go and cut her hair herself, she can vote in person,” says one user. (HANDLE).