“I know that with this mother I don’t want to live in an Italy like this” – Libero Quotidiano


Bigger problems come for Lucia azzolina. There is not only mistrust in the classroom announced by Matteo salvini the reopening of parliamentary procedures. The Minister of Education will be denounced by Rosi nib, President of ParlAutism, the association that groups together parents of autistic children and adolescents.

Azzolina, the disaster in a photo: They gave me a permanent job, do you know who this lady is?

Already during the emergency shutdownWith the schools closed, their situation has been dramatically removed from the government’s agenda.

Salvini, motion of censure against Azzolina: Can the minister do it?  No then ... a bomb

But now, with the reopening of the institutes, the chaos of the teachers runs the risk of leaving them out of everything again. “For ours disabled child There is no school, now we denounce Azzolina ”, accused Pennino. She will have the support of Salvini: “I am with this mother. Can you help us give a voice to these thousands of autistic children, their mothers and fathers? – is the attractiveness of the leader of the League on Twitter: I don’t want to live in a country with Serie B kids and students. “
