The M5S loses other pieces, leaves Aiello too: “It no longer represents me”


The month of September was going to be particularly difficult for M5S. The possible blow to the Regionals and the not obvious success in the referendum on a subject much loved by the pentastellati, that of the reduction in the number of parliamentarians, augur an uncertain future for the grillini.

Even before the date of the double election, another unexpected jolt makes Grillo, Crimi and Di Maio tremble. Deputy Piera Aiello leaves the pentastellate group. “I resign from the 5 Star Movement, which no longer represents me and I continue my activity as a member of parliament”, announces the parliamentarian through a very long message. “I was elected on March 4, 2018 in the single-member college of the province of Trapani-Marsala with almost 80,000 votes, of which 25,000 nominal”, Aiello explained. The latter, to motivate his decision, made public a very personal fact: “So I decided to question my life, kept secret since July 30, 1991, as witness of justice. When they asked me to be open to my candidacy, I saw the possibility of taking my experience as a witness to a parliamentary chamber where I could present the problems of witnesses, collaborators of justice and businessmen who are victims of organized crime and usury ”.

“After my choice- added- I joined the Justice Commission and Parliamentary Antimafia Commission, where I made it clear that I do not want to run for any top level position, but that I want to make a healthy contribution in defense of the aforementioned categories, many times, if not always, abandoned over the years by the governments of the moment. I affirm this because in my thirty years of fighting the mafia many promises have been made, and they have not been kept, which has worsened the condition of witnesses, collaborators and businessmen, therefore of all the Italian people, whose voice he has drowned for having had we want to affirm the truth and justice ”.

Aiello explained that the M5s approached her “because of her innovative ideas” and desire for change. But today the situation has radically changed. “If today I find myself writing all this – stressed Aiello – it is because in two years, I have not seen even the shadow of these ideals implemented”. Hence the reason for his dismissal from the Movement. Aiello does not accept that the Minister of Justice, Alfonso Bonafede, decide everything without, in practice, listening to the proposals of the deputies. “It is always the minister who decides everything and certainly not autonomously, since 90% of the amendments that are taken to committee and later in the classroom are rejected and many times without any valid reason.”, said the deputy who, however, admitted that, thanks to the M5, important laws were made such as the “corrupt Spazza”, the “416-ter”, the “prescription reform”, the inclusion of “Troyan” as a tool of wiretapping. But everything, according to his judgment, becomes useless “When they are sentenced to life imprisonment under house arrest provided for in 41bis by means of a simple circular agreed with the organs of Jump and Minister Bonafede. In fact, the aforementioned circular sends dangerous criminals under house arrest, who have even killed children, just because they are sick and in their seventies. I do not deny the sacrosanct right to health, but just as the law applied on the now deceased Corleonese boss Totò Riina, treated until the last day in prison, so it must and must happen for all the other bosses of the mafia, otherwise where ‘Is it the right to equality before the law that stands out so much in court? ”.

So Aiello wonders how can a citizen “trust him State if your own safety is in danger in the first place? How can the witnesses and collaborators who contributed to his arrest have certainty of safety? And who wants to embark on this path of legality, how can he really rely on the State, if the latter does not show stability, making effective the punishment of people who still have blood on their hands? ”. The former M5 MP later reveals that even the M5s, in the end, do not disdain using methods he claims to fight: Some of the members have been ‘included’ in the same Justice Commission and with important positions and responsibilities, not because of merit or competence, much less because they are experts, but only because they are men of the minister or similar ”.

Aiello then focuses on the reality of the witnesses and collaborators of justice and recalls that“our protection system, on paper, it is one of the best in the world, I repeat on paper, because it is often neglected modifying and subordinating the lives of the protected and family members to the economic interests of the State “.” Witnesses and collaborators are mere pawns abandoned in chaos without any psychological support “, Aiello denounces. The deputy points out that all the problems she has listed “They were promptly communicated by me to the competent bodies, which to date have audited some of these issues, without resolving anything”.

Before this, Aiello does not hide “The bitterness for all the work that I have done, not only in these two years as a deputy but also throughout the years as a simple witness of justice, work that has been frustrated by people who not only have never dealt with anti-mafia with the proper training, but who have not heard my cry of pain which is none other than the voice of thousands of people who have no way of being heard and that I have the honor to represent ”. The now former exponent of the M5 recalls being singled out as a “pain in the ass” “Just because I defend the rights of those like me who have been” squeezed like a lemon “by state agencies and abandoned. I am proud to be how they define me, especially for the one who first called me that, because I was certain that In this specific commission, where people’s lives and deaths are decided, characters are named who would never have had the courage to denounce even a simple theft of chickens and despite this they have the arrogance not to listen to them for years. protection system that was, to say the least, surreal. “

Finally Aiello emphasizes that he has a specific duty towards the boys of the schools to whom he speaks of “Truth, Justice and Legality” inviting them to never commit, not to ask for recommendations, to be themselves and to earn and achieve the goals set based on merit.

“It’s for them too- he added in a controversial tone- that I cannot remain in a Movement that for years has repeated the concepts of: Honesty, Meritocracy and Justice, but that, fact-proof, has committed itself, has built consortiums, has assigned sensitive tasks to people without the necessary training to manage vital activities. for our Republic “.” Yes, as “Zio Paolo” (Borsellino) told me: “Politics and the mafia are two powers that live from the control of the same territory: either they make war or they agree”, because I have the clear feeling that the war that the Movement has not fought in these two years “, Aiello explained that she is willing to clear the field of any doubt about her choice. “I am present – note the deputy – comply with the refunds and with him reporting that the Movement has asked the spokespersons, above all I do not feel in any way betraying my constituents who have given me the honor and burden of being elected to the Chamber of Deputies under the symbol of the Movement ”.
