The Bergamo Health Protection Agency, on the basis of the indications received from the General Directorate of Welfare, informs that for people returning from national or international tourist sites not considered by specific regional / national laws (for example, Spain , Croatia, Malta, Greece), a nasopharyngeal swab is not normally provided.
For this type of people, given the rapidity of the evolution of the national and international epidemiological scenario, it is nevertheless possible to extend the recommendation of making a swab for the investigation of the Sars-CoV-2 genome to general practitioners and pediatricians. freely chosen, who will assess the level of risk of exposure to the virus (both in relation to the epidemiological trend of the area visited and in relation to the behaviors adopted) and may, if necessary, request a swab for their clients.
Behaviors that imply the substantial non-use of good social distancing rules, such as participation in parties and events without a mask or the systematic non-use of PPE during the vacation period, with special attention to classes, are considered at risk. younger (18-24 years and 25-50 years).
Until the result, the patient for whom the tampon was requested must comply with the strict observance of sanitation measures (firstly, the use of masks in all social contacts and the limitation to the essentials of travel, with special attention to proven needs for work or situations of need or for health reasons, preferably with your own vehicle).