Cocaine parties and baby prostitutes in Bologna, six under investigation: Lega politician under house arrest


BOLOGNA. The operational nucleus of the carabinieri of the Bologna Centro company carried out six precautionary measures of various kinds against so many people accused of various forms of inducing prostitution and drug crimes. Among the victims there are also underage girls, involved in ‘festinì where drugs were shot. Because one of the suspects was put in prison.

Among those involved in the investigation are a lawyer and a real estate agent, aspiring politician, well known in the Virtus ultra basketball circles: Luca cavazzaThe 27-year-old candidate for the League with Lucía Borgonzoni in the last regional elections, is under house arrest. In 2016, at 23 years old, he was the youngest in the race for Forza Italia in the municipal elections to elect the new mayor of Bologna. At that moment, his visit to Mussolini’s grave and the post on Facebook made noise: “Everything that was done cannot be canceled. To us!”

Searches were done yesterday. As reconstructed, the researchers’ hypothesis is that of a group of girls registered and transferred to a residence outside the city, for sexual performances in exchange for drugs. It all started with the complaint of a mother who had intercepted videos on her daughter’s cell phone. The suspects are defended, among other things, by lawyers Gabriele Bordoni and Giovanni Voltarella.
