Now in most it is the most complete chaos. In fact, the Minister of Relations with Parliament, Federico D’Incà, has announced that the Government will raise the issue of trust in the Senate on the so-called Covid Decree, which Conte has fired to extend the state of emergency until the next month of October. A surprising choice when you consider that there were only about thirty amendments tabled to the Upper House that the House would have had to examine.
But the reason for the squeeze would lie entirely in the modification request, signed by several Grillini senators, which sought to archive the highly controversial rule on the heads of the secret services inserted in the decree. Basically, with that paragraph, the government made the extensions of the heads of the services unlimited, although within the terms already established in the previous laws. Translating: if before the second term of the different directors could last a maximum of four years, with the Covid decree there are four years left, but the renewals can be infinite. Paradoxically, a director of services could be extended every two months, effectively making his position precarious and making him “supine” at Palazzo Chigi. Not particularly indifferent, Giuseppe Conte kept the delegation to the secret services to himself, an unprecedented detail in the history of the Republic.
A series of circumstances that had made the opposition scream a scandal but, in fact, also made different sectors of the majority turn their noses if it is true that it was the same Five Star senators who presented the amendment to block that change. .
«By now, most of the rags are flying. In order not to break it, the Conte government was forced to throw the ball into the stands by placing the issue of trust in the Covid decree and thus avoiding the vote on the amendment, signed by M5S, on the secret services. Humiliated parliamentary democracy. The Giallorossi Executive in the End Credits ». So says the deputy of the League Riccardo Molinari.
The announcement of confidence, made in the Chamber by Minister Federico D’Incà, was bitterly commented on by Deputy Federica Dieni, one of the signatories of the suspension of the proceedings of the Chamber. “The legislation relating to the Services, therefore national security, does not concern some or a few but all. I am deeply disappointed “by the vote of confidence” and I want it to be recorded. “Many of the signatories of the discord amendment promise battle:” There will be several defections in the vote of confidence – says a great grillino among the signatories of the proposal amendment to AdnKronos – we are tired of these continuous blackmails on government property … “.