Head to head in Tuscany and center-right forward in Market. If in Veneto me Campania The polls confirm the forecasts with the outgoing Zaia and De Luca respectively in the lead, the surprise could come from the Regions currently governed by the center-left. In fact, according to the survey of Winpool-Cise Posted by il Sole 24 ore, the center-left candidate in Tuscany Eugenio Giani with 43% of the votes, he is only 0.5 points behind the Lega candidate Susanna ceccardi (42.5% of the votes). The other candidates are much more distant: Irene Galletti (M5s) 8.3% while the rest of the candidates are assigned a total of 6.2% of the votes.
Another sore spot for the center-left, in addition to the head-to-head in Tuscany, could be the electoral challenge in the Marches that from a red bulwark it could pass to the center-right. Based on data published last Sunday by Sole 24 ore, Francesco Acquaroli The center-right candidate is currently ahead with 51.8% of the vote over the center-left challenger. Maurizio Mangaialardi given to 36.1%. The M5 candidate Gian Mario Mercorelli instead, it is 8.9%. The center-right forward in Marche also emerges from the survey by Nando Pagnoncelli published in Corriere della Sera. Acquaroli, from the center-right, is at 49%, Maurizio Mangialardi at 35.8% and Gian Mario Mercorelli at 10.1%. According to the Ipsos survey, the League is the first party with 25.7%, the Democratic Party with 19%, Fratelli d’Italia with 16.7%, M5 with 10.1%, Forza Italia with a 3.5%, Italia Viva at 2.3%. Marche is precisely one of the Regions where Pd and 5 stars have not been able to find an agreement despite the calls (from Conte to Di Maio). Where government forces have reached an agreement on the candidate is Liguria, but at the moment it does not seem enough to fight for victory Giovanni toti: the outgoing president is in the lead with 60.1% of the votes, while The weather in Ferruccio Sansa, candidate from center left is to 34.4% While Aristide massardo, which runs for Italia Viva is at 4.3%.
It is not surprising, again according to the data published by the same electoral institute on August 25, for the Campania where De Luca’s reconfirmation seems obvious. The outgoing governor Vicenzo De Luca (center left) is at 58.6% while Stefano caldoro, candidate of the center-right coalition stands at 28.9%. The M5 candidate Valeria Ciarambino it is 9.9%. Even for the outgoing governor of Veneto Luca zaia There should be no problem reconfirming the presidency of the region. The survey published on August 23 attests Zaia at 76.8%. The center-left challenger Arturo Lorenzoni is at 15.5% while Enrico Cappelletti (M5s) at 3.8% e Daniela sbrollini di Iv at 1.1%.
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