Parties based on drugs and sex with minors, the discovery of the carabinieri in Bologna


Drug and sex parties in which they also participated underage girls, this is what the Bologna police discovered after a delicate investigation that in the last hours led to the execution of six precautionary measures of various kinds issued by the Gip of the Emiliana Capital Court at the request of the local Public Ministry against the largest number of people considered involved in the matter. The investigation was carried out by the operational nucleus of the carabinieri of the Bologna Centro company which on Tuesday afternoon, September 1, also carried out the precautionary measures.

However, the most severe measure has taken place only for one of the suspects for whom prison was ordered. According to the Arma, the suspects are accused of various types of crimes such as induction into prostitution and those related to the possession and sale of drugs. In some cases they would be characters from the “bene de Bolonia”. According to the carabinieri, among the victims of the parties where drugs were consumed, in particular cocaine, there are also underage girls. More details on the investigation and the precautionary measures will be released by the Army at a press conference tomorrow morning in Bologna.
