“Coronavirus, massive tests and follow-up” – Libero Quotidiano


Mario draghi is the most authorized candidate to occupy the place of Giuseppe Conte, in the event that the latter were forced to leave Palazzo Chigi due to any disaster in the schools reopening and in regional elections. In this sense, the prime minister’s silence is deafening and means many things: first that Conte knows that he is risking big in the coming weeks, and then perhaps he will begin to no longer bear the weight of the many problems that must be faced. Meanwhile Mario Draghi continues to speak: “Governments have given the correct answer with the increase in debt and deficits to soften the impact of Covid. Only the discovery of the vaccine will eliminate the many uncertainties that exist at this time. “

In short, the former president of the ECB now also talks about the emergency coronavirus, an inevitably high priority on the agenda of any government. An issue that Conte has not addressed for several weeks: “To reactivate the economy until a vaccine is found, massive testing is needed And then it can be followed up after all the tests. These procedures should become normal and therefore implemented every day and around the world ”. Agencies immediately hit these statements by Draghi: a symptom of increasing attention to him, especially after government forces (read Di Maio’s loyal M5s) have started to wink at his possible descent. in the countryside. On the other hand, the latest Demos & Pi poll clearly speaks of the popularity reached by Draghi in recent weeks: is promoted by 53% of those interviewed, close to Giuseppe Conte, who dropped from 65 to 60%.

Are you going to abdicate?  Giuseppe Conte's (too) suspicious silence: that voice, from the holy chambers
