What event is in Rome on Saturday September 5? How many squares are involved? Who will march in the capital? What are the arguments against which to protest? There are many questions behind the rally called by the extreme right because, to move the threads of this event, Forza Nuova would be, as evidenced by the various publications and messages, in chats and on social networks, by Giuliano Castellino, Roman leader of the movement fascist.
Between social networks, invitations and flyers, something similar will be staged (at least in intentions) to what happened in recent days in Berlin and Madrid where the galaxy of deniers marched through the streets of cities. “We are the people against the health, financial and judicial dictatorship. For free Italy. For our children. For the future”, is the cry of the organizers.
Yes, but who are the organizers? As mentioned, the shadow of the far right is there and it can be felt. The Facebook group ‘Italia Libera 5 settembre tutti a Roma’ that aims to act as a container for the initiative is, however, a bit ambiguous: in the group’s description the place designated for the event is Piazza del Popolo, at 10 in the morning, while the Mouth of Truth is being written on the poster, at 4 pm.
The 1,376 members who believe in a supposed “dictatorship” that wanted to invent the health emergency seek answers from those who run the group on Facebook. As reconstructed from the initial idea, the meeting should have been held in Piazza del Popolo. For a few days, however, the place seems to have moved in front of the Bocca della Verità, a few steps from the Circus Maximus.
Conditional and mandatory hypotheses because from the Police Headquarters the only demonstration that there is, for the moment, is that of the Popolo delle Mamme, in the front row against the “health dictatorship”, in the Bocca della Verità on Saturday 5 September at 16 h. With them, followed by everyone else, from the no-vax to the far right, going through the Covid deniers to the orange vests.
A mix that also includes known guests (although their participation is not certain). It is a series of invitations to Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, pro-Trumpiano and anti-Bergoglio, to the deputies Sara Cunial (former M5S) and Vittorio Sgarbi (who has launched an appeal to participate in “all the mothers of Italy” and the other day he banned masks in Sutri, where he is mayor); Alicia Erazo (International Commission on Human Rights, linked to the UN); the philosopher and leader of Vox Italia Diego Fusaro, the singer Povia.
Davide Barillari, Lazio regional councilor and former exponent of the 5 Star Movement is also expected: “We must make active resistance and civil disobedience all together, joining our forces,” he wrote on Facebook announcing his presence on September 5. Where you don’t know, perhaps in front of the Mouth of Truth.
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