
There is no game in the Regionals. The latest findings give the center-right ahead of the center-left. The survey of Nando Pagnoncelli, Made to test the terrain in the Marches, it is no exception. In view of the Regionals of September 20 and 21, the candidate of the Brothers of Italy (on behalf of the united center-right), Francesco AcquaroliI would have the best of piddino Maurizio Mangialardi and in the pentastellato Gian Mario Mercorelli. “Estimating a participation in the vote of 59 percent – writes the CEO of Ipsos Italia in Messenger Service – Acquaroli with a 49 percent preference prevails over Mangialardi, which stands at 35.8, and over Mercorelli, which reaches 10.1 “.
A much lower consensus for the other five candidates who get an estimated confidence of around 1 percent. Acquaroli’s advantage also seems to be linked to the desire for change that affects 54 percent of the Marche region compared to 30 percent that tends to continue. “And – continues Pagnoncelli – even among center-left voters a far from insignificant minority (29 percent) would like discontinuity. “

Have the best of the lists, the League. Here in the Marche region, the party led by Matteo salvini it is credited to 25.7, doubling the last Regionals. It is followed by the Democratic Party with 19, below 2015. Diametrically opposite trend for Fratelli d’Italia that, with 16.7 percent, both exceeds the result of the Regionals of 2015 and that of Europeans last year. Finally, it is the turn of the 5 Star Movement which reaches 10.1, compared to 18 and 19 percent of the consensus of the previous rounds.