Rome has a new emergency room: ribbon cutting at the Bio-Medico Campus


There are two protected paths (fever and victims of violence), more than 2,100 square meters of surface, an operating room and an exclusive diagnostic imaging service with a high-performance 300-layer computed tomography. It’s the new emergency room in Rome, serving the southern part of the city with a forecast of 45 thousand accesses per year.

Inaugurated in the presence of the Deputy Minister of Health Pierpaolo Sileri, the President of the Lazio Region Nicola Zingaretti, the Mayor of Rome Virginia Raggi and the Regional Health Councilor Alessio D’Amato, the new Goddess of the Bio-Medico campus will be active from 1 September 2020 and inserted in the territory of ASL Roma 2.

Two separate paths are planned: a feverish path created to safely manage access to the emergency room, minimizing risks in this period characterized by the Covid-19 pandemic. A second path is the pink box dedicated to women victims of violence. The fever-protected path creates a mandatory itinerary for all by creating a pre-triage passage between the outside and the health facility thanks to which it is possible to completely separate flows upon arrival, even before being subjected to triage, sending suspicious patients . towards a dedicated itinerary, isolated, comfortable and different from that of patients who do not present risk characteristics.

“We are happy to be able to make this new contribution to our health service – says Felice Barela, president of the Bio-Medical Campus of the University of Rome -. In the case of universities, there is also the educational mission of the new generations of competent and motivated doctors, nurses, technicians and other health professionals, which the country sorely needs ”. “The first aid that we inaugurate today is intended to be an emergency room that receives, listens, communicates, attends, assists and attends – explains Paolo Sormani, general director of the Campus Bio-Medico University Hospital. In July we built a 300 square meter protected Covid trail, with pre-triage, evaluation, observation with 10 stations and Covid Holding Area with 2 stations, for patients who test positive for hyssop, to be transferred to a Covid hospital. “
