In Onda on La7, teacher Andrea Crisanti talks about the school and the positive aspects. “Let’s face it – he said – we have to send” these guys to school somehow … the measures taken are a compromise “
“Among students, 2-3% could be positive, it is an important number. Everyone would then generate the need to rub between 2 and 300 people, ”says Crisanti. In general, “the dynamics of the epidemic show an increasing trend in Italy. School, productive activities and return infections will contribute to the increase in cases. The most important thing is to identify the shoots and stop them in the bud. On the dangerousness of the virus, Crisanti has no doubts: “Until recently, America has continued with thousands of deaths a day, it has 180,000 deaths. I don’t think it is a harmless virus if it causes 180,000 deaths in four months ”.
Furthermore, for Crisanti, the flu vaccination of students in the fall is essential: “It should be strongly encouraged in the school community, also to avoid panic when there may be an overlap of symptoms.”