It is the result of one of the two commissions appointed by the Veneto region to shed light on the incident. Governor Zaia: “Report sent to the prosecutor”
The whole apartment was reopened – The bacteria had caused the death of four children hospitalized in the intensive care unit between 2018 and early this year, forcing those responsible to close it. Decisive to highlight the presence of Citrobacter was the fight of Francesca Frezza, mother of Nina, who made public the accusation of “therapeutic persistence“Against the daughter who died in November 2019 .. The entire obstetrics department, stopped since June 12, was reopened after having cleaned all the rooms.
Governor Zaia: “Report sent to the Prosecutor” – “I have instructed the regional health secretary to forward this report to the Public Ministry and make it available to the hospital, so that the parents of the children affected by the bacteria can immediately know the results.” These are the words of the governor of the region Luca zaia, which in the past had already addressed the subject of Citrobacter. In fact, last June he announced the closure of the obstetric ward in a much-commented press conference with the leader of the League Matteo Salvini. The former minister on that occasion was strongly contested for the “disrespectful” gesture of eating cherries while the governor of Veneto illustrated the fatal consequences of the bacteria.