Covid, the new outbreak in Genzano – Time


Grace Maria Coletti

Covid in the institute that houses the mentally disabled in Genzano. August ends with an outbreak in the province of Rome: 27 people, including 25 patients and two positive operators, cases confirmed by the ASL Rm6 and by the Regional Health Councilor Alessio D’Amato, who yesterday also reported that “the collaboration with the Prefecture ”and that“ the situation is under control ”.

“There are twenty-seven cases in the group of San Giovanni di Dio – Fatebenefratelli in Genzano (25 guests and 2 operators) in the facility that houses adult patients with mental illness and where the epidemiological investigation is being carried out – said D’Amato – The situation is under control and the collaboration of the Prefecture has been requested to control access to the structure. ”Among the prescriptions that the ASL immediately gives to the accredited structure, D’Amato explained,“ is to give timely information to the relatives of patients who have all been swabbed “…

