Gassman criticizes the mask in Sutri. Sgarbi: “A conformist who has nothing of his father”


Vittorio Sgarbi’s latest trick did not go unnoticed. “Only thieves and terrorists hide their faces. In Sutri fines those who wear the mask outdoors. “The mask is a ridiculous form of ostentation that has nothing to do with health needs.” Alessandro Gassmann immediately commented on Twitter.

“When you are in the town of Sutri governed by a nervous little thing and they give you a fine because you wear the mask after hours, how far do you have to stay to send it to …?”

Sgarbi’s response was immediate:

His father’s conformist Alessandro Gassman has nothing. And it is hard for him to understand that wearing a mask while walking alone or with his wife is a form of dementia.

There is nothing more contagious than being afraid of catching it only when you have finished eating, with your mouth open.

You have to pretend like the actors do.

One thing is for sure: to fuck you need a mask because you don’t respect distances.
