Back to class, without a mask with the meter away: the CTS has decided, but if infections increase … – School News


The Scientific Technical Committee has decided. And this time, at least until mid-September, there should be no doubts or changes of plans: when returning to class, the mask can be removed on occasions when the distance of one meter is respected. The CTS so decided during the meeting held on the last day of August.

To the double primary constraint

In primary school, Cts explains, “to facilitate learning and relational development, the mask can be removed in a static condition respecting the distance of at least one meter and the absence of situations that foresee the possibility of aerosolization (for example singing) “.

In secondary school it also depends on the degree of contagion

“In secondary school, even considering a transmissibility similar to that of adults, the mask can be removed in a static condition with respect to the distance of at least one meter, the absence of situations that provide for the possibility of aerosolization (for example , singing) and in an epidemiological situation of low viral circulation defined by the health authority. ”Therefore, starting in high school, the use of the mask could become more rigid if Covid infections increase.

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The clarifications of the Cts

The Scientific Technical Committee stressed that the use of masks “is only one of the prevention measures that should be implemented in the school environment in correct association with all the other measures already recommended. The opening of schools is a primary need of the country, but so is the security and continuity of activities. Therefore, together with the didactic and training needs, it is necessary to take into account the precautionary principle, the protection of workers, the effectiveness, sustainability and acceptability of the proposed measures ”.

The epidemiological data, added by the CTS, the scientific knowledge and the organizational implications found, may determine a modification of these recommendations, also in relation to the different local epidemiological trends, by the health authority that may provide for the obligation of the mask “even in static situations with respect for spacing during a determined period, within a scalability strategy of prevention and control measures balanced with the needs of continuity and effectiveness of training courses “.

Giannelli (Anp): appreciable recommendations

The conclusions reached by the CTS seem to satisfy Antonello Giannelli, president of the National Association of Rectors: “The recommendations released today by the CTS – said the trade unionist – are appreciable, since they have made it clear that the use of masks it can be adapted to certain circumstances, such as the contagion rate, which can be found in different areas ”.

“Another important aspect – he continues – is the recognized importance of pedagogical aspects: primary school students, up to the age of 11, will be able to remove their masks in conditions of static spacing and this can only favor their serenity and learning in a more appropriate relational climate at his age. Obviously, the recipes that have already been communicated and gradually refined in recent months are still valid ”. “This is one more step – he concludes – that contributes to the reopening of schools in safety, an objective for which we have been working for months”.
