Weather: SEPTEMBER, in the middle of the month a CYCLONE will decree the end of the BEAUTIFUL SEASON. Here is the latest update
Latest updates for the month of SeptemberIn the month of September It has happened often, even in the recent past, to go very quickly from one extreme to the other, meteorologically speaking. And this is exactly what we expect again this year: after a very early part still with a summer flavor, already in the middle of the month a cyclone could decree the end of summer causing new severe thunderstorms and also an abrupt temperature drop.
Let’s immediately find out what to expect at the next weeks then also drawing one full trend based on the latest official updates from major computer centers.
At First days of the month, as mentioned, (between 2 and 6) we will have a temporary one return of the azorean anticyclone which will ensure greater atmospheric stability with a lot of sun and with temperatures up to I 30 ° C during the central hours of the day: in short, what in the jargon is called the classic will take shape September summer.
The time thereafter is destined to change. According to the latest updates from Central America GFS, towards the beginning of the second decade, and in any case at the middle of the month, a cyclone downhill from the North Atlantic, driven by fresh and unstable currents, could impact our country giving way to a bad weather phase also quite intense.
To be evaluated in this case various factors. In particular, the temperatures of our seas that should still be quite high and that, therefore, could provide the necessary energy for the development of
massive storm cells capable of provoking real storms.
What areas of our country are most at risk? Eyes especially focused on Northwest and in Tyrrhenian regions, the most affected areas in this type of configuration.
If all this is confirmed, thermal values would also suffer a sharp drop reaching below the expected average in this period.
Let it be there definitive end of summer? We will see in the next updates if the current trend is confirmed, we just have to follow this interesting meteorological evolution step by step.
In the middle of the month, a cyclone can decree the end of summer.