Ztl, even the City Council of the Democratic Party rebels against the Rays – Time


Everything is ready, this morning will be a peaceful flash mob, with many angry merchants and Romans, the trade associations let it be known that all together – this time – they said “no” to the re-lighting of the gates of the limited traffic zone in the center and in the Tridentino area. Even the First City Council takes sides against the decision of the Capitol that had suspended the LTZ in the period of the blockade and in the following months precisely to help the mobility of citizens considering also the criticalities of local public transport, which must comply with anti-Covid regulations.

Leave the Ztl open.  The merchants are desperate

“In a situation like the current one – declares the president of the miniparlamentino Sabrina Alfonsi- before making decisions, the administration should have asked the Mobility Agency to carry out a study / experimentation of at least a couple of weeks to understand what real impact on downtown traffic arising from a possible widening of the door opening. Most workers, in fact, continue in smart work and all traffic flow linked to tourist activities is practically absent.

Residents, however, are pointing fingers at the parking chaos downtown also due to the sprawling expansion of public land occupations for bars and restaurants, which has effectively removed numerous parking spaces. Hence their pressure to revive the doors and avoid further congestion with the resumption of school and professional activities. Although, points out Paolo Gelsonyms of the neighborhood coordination of the Historic City, “we need an overview on the issue of mobility that this administration does not seem to have. As for the electric buses heading to the city center, for example, they used to go by schedule when they wanted and this is not good “…

