The center-left candidate is only 0.5% above his center-right opponent. The Region is now open to challenge: the weight of the Northern League advance and the limited visibility of the Pd exponent who is not an extrovert
The center-left candidate is only 0.5% above his center-right opponent. The Region is now open to challenge: the weight of the Northern League advance and the limited visibility of the Pd exponent who is not an extrovert
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In Tuscany, a traditionally “red” region that has always been administered by the left, an open competition is surprisingly looming for the September 20-21 elections: candidate Eugenio Giani (center left) is credited with 43.0% , only 0.5 percentage points higher than the center-right candidate Susanna Ceccardi (42.5%). Here’s what emerges from the Winpoll-Cise poll posted on Sole 24 Ore on newsstands today.
A situation in which two factors weighed. The first is the advance of the center-right that already in the 2019 European elections had seen it impose itself on the center-left also thanks to the more “populist” line chosen by Matteo Salvini and Giorgia Meloni. The other factor is some of Giani’s weaknesses: the center-left candidate is not a retiring candidate (as Stefano Bonaccini was in Emilia Romagna) and therefore cannot exploit the positive judgment of the Tuscans about the administration of the region in recent years; Nor does he have a profile capable of attracting voters from the M5S and the radical left. All this opens the contest and augurs an intense electoral campaign.