
Dear Senator Matteo Renzi,
Regarding your recent statements, inviting teachers to return to work, as well as garbage collectors and cashiers, I would like to gently note:
- that teachers have never stopped working, since they have carried out distance learning activities every day, with a spirit of sacrifice and a sense of responsibility, although they are not under a contractual obligation to do so;
- that online activity has not reduced the amount of work for teachers, in fact, in many respects it has made it more complex;
- that the teachers continued to carry out all the collegial activities at a distance (class councils, teachers’ college, school councils, etc.);
- that numerous training courses were held for teachers in all centers, always online, in order to adapt their skills to the needs of the moment.
Dear Senator Renzi, you have raised a false problem, but I understand it: these days shooting teachers on social media is all the rage …

We all agree that schools should reopen, but it is critical that they reopen safely. A school is attended by a minimum of 600 students at the same time, many more than a nightclub can host …
In the supermarket or in stores, 700/800 students are not present simultaneously; everyone should wear a mask and, when handling food (fruits, vegetables, etc.), also gloves; If a certain number of people are present inside a supermarket, the other customers wait in line outside for their turn.
Do you understand the difference Senatore Renzi?
Opening safely is not a problem that affects only teachers, but the entire community: as you know, students will carry the virus, eventually contracted at school, to their families. There is no other aggregative context capable of favoring the spread of the virus like schools. And the experts know it well.
However, on behalf of all teachers, I want to thank you for making us understand clearly what is the main defect of a part of our political class: the inability to listen. You know, in the approval phase of law 107/2015, many teachers, including the writer, ignored this detail.
Jose Iaconis