the bulletin for monday august 31


Today, Monday, August 31, there are 37 more cases of people positive for coronavirus than yesterday. Among them there are 25 asymptomatic while the imported cases are 16 out of 37. Therefore, the number of people who have tested positive for Covid-19 in Piedmont since the beginning of the epidemic amounts to 32,881 so far.

Compared to yesterday, the number of hospitalized in intensive care has increased (7 people in total, plus 2) and the number of hospitalized who are not in intensive care has increased (today there are 98, 13 more). There are 1,327 people in home isolation. The diagnostic swabs processed so far are 587,908 of which 328,107 were negative.

Coronavirus in Italy today: all the outbreaks and the latest news

In the afternoon, the Crisis Unit of the Region did not report the death of a positive person in the Covid-19 test. Therefore, the total is 4,146 deaths who tested positive for the virus.

Today the Crisis Unit of the Piedmont Region announced that there are 26,834 virologically cured patients, that is, negative to the two tests at the end of the disease (more than 14 compared to yesterday), while 469 atria are “on track. recovery “, that is, negative on the first test swab, post-illness and awaiting the result of the second.

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