Public transports filled to 80% maximum, 100% for distances less than 15 minutes for anti-Covid containment. But the air exchange must be constant. This is the content of the public transportation guidelines approved by the Unified Conference. “On board the public transport of local transport, regional rail transport and school buses for exclusive school transport, a filling coefficient is allowed, taking into account the scientific evidence on the assumption of average passenger residence times indicated by the available data no more than 80%, which allows a greater reduction in standing than sitting places “. This was announced by a note from MIT.
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Public transport, the text of the agreement
“In the event that the other measures are not sufficient to guarantee the regular public transport service, even extraurban, and taking into account the scientific evidence on the assumption of the average residence times of the travelers indicated by the available data, a filling coefficient of vehicles that does not exceed 80% of the seats allowed by the vehicle registration certificate, which allows a greater reduction of standing places compared to seated – the text says – The air exchange must be constant, as long as the opening of windows or other natural air intakes is stable ».
This filling coefficient is also allowed in relation to the internal air exchange of surface vehicles and metropolitan trains, in fact most air conditioning systems allow a percentage of air taken from outside and a change each time the doors are opened . at one stop – to be noted – In addition, the windows can be permanently opened for trams of previous generations. Therefore, whenever possible, non-recirculating ventilation systems should be kept in operation. ‘ The text also opens up a possibility: “Without prejudice to the previous prescriptions, the filling capacity may be increased, beyond the established limit, only in the event that an air change and filtering of the same through adequate aeration are guaranteed. previously authorized by the Cts ”, he concludes.
Last updated: 21:48